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MO Show 2024/25 | The Quest for Camelot

The Quest for Camelot

Written & Directed by Leela Wittenberg Trubowitz

Composed by Lucienne Juhnke

Choreographed by Olivia Tankevicius



A lot silly and a little serious, The Quest for Camelot follows a knight named Mordred as he and his friends attempt a journey to the Kingdom of Camelot. The show takes its audience through a wild adventure involving secrets and kings, knights and pirates, a general air of chaos, and more.​


Performance Location

Devonshire Playhouse

4400 Greenwood St. Skokie, IL 60076


Performance Dates

Friday, January 24 at 7:00pm

Saturday, January 25 at 7:00pm

Sunday, January 26 at 3:00pm





Purchase a program ad!
Review the document below for all rates, dimensions, and other requirements for ads. Please fill out the form if you are interested in purchasing an ad. Once the form is received, you will be emailed an invoice. All ads need to be emailed to Michelle at no later than Friday, January 10.
Purchase a shout-out!
See the form below for all rates and information about how to submit a performer shout-out. Please submit the required information to Michelle via the Google form below. You may pay via cash, check, or credit card. All shout-out submissions are due no later than Wednesday, January 15. Email Michelle at with any questions.

Thank you to the 2024 MO Show Sponsors!

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